July 24, 2024

Winning ‘Seed VC of the Year’ at UKBAA Angel Investment Awards

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This prestigious award, sponsored by HSBC Innovation, recognizes the most active and impactful early-stage fund in the UK, celebrating our dedication to bringing investment and support to build and scale our investee businesses.

The UKBAA Angel Investment Awards celebrate the visionaries, innovators, and game-changers who are driving positive change to the early-stage ecosystem.

Being chosen for this award is a fantastic honour and a testament to our team's hard work and commitment to fostering innovation and growth in the early-stage investment community. The ceremony was a wonderful opportunity to connect with other leaders in the industry and celebrate the collective achievements of our peers.

Reece Chowdhry, Our Founding Partner comments;

"Very humbled to win the Seed VC of the Year at the UK Business Angels Association awards. I remember attending my first UKBAA award 5 years ago and being inspired by what people in the room had achieved. It's been an incredible year for us, so it's amazing to be recognized for the hard work and dedication the team has put in over the years. It's such a joy to work with Jeff Chowdhry, Oliver Kicks, Ariel Rahamim, Seyon Indran, Anrea Munsamy, and Lauren Sauerland.

These things are only made possible with incredible partners - first, our founders, who make the impossible become possible every day and inspire us. Our LPs like Dominus and British Business Bank, who believed in our unique people-centric approach to investing at pre-seed when others did not. Lastly, our service providers, HSBC Innovation Banking, Crest Communications, Coutts, Harper James, and Morgan Lewis who support us every day.

Massive thanks to the UKBAA, Roderick Beer, who supported us from the very start, and HSBC Innovation Banking, who sponsored the award.’’

We were even more grateful to see our portfolio company Treefera and Caroline Grey, who were also nominated and gained a special mention at the awards.

A huge congratulations to all the other winners and finalists!